As a creative professional with 20+ years of experience, I have touched many disciplines within the industry (PR, Copywriting, Advertising, Graphic Design, Research, User Experience, Visual Design, etc.). I thought it would be interesting to discuss my approach to content writing within the digital product design process.
Architects have blueprints, and digital product designers have wireframes. These black-and-white screens allow us to quickly and easily map out our plans for a website or app and are used throughout the design and development process. When I approach a new design project, I first look at the user flow from end-to-end, typically creating a simple workflow diagram to capture the high-level ideas.
Next, I move to wireframing, which, includes creating fundamental representations of the pages within the website or app. Placements for form elements, buttons, headlines, and text are relatively straightforward to consider.
When wireframing, I start writing, as well. I create placeholder headlines, body copy, and calls-to-action. When thinking through things like account setup and registration I write the on-screen prompts, account activation emails and welcome emails. Throughout this process, the website or app starts to find its voice.
For example, with this fitness app, even the exercise setup screens have a conversational tone and style of voice is forming.
This idea carries through to suggested workouts and detail screens.
Clients review screens, and copy as a unit. We edit copy together, during this process, knowing that some of it will change along the way.
Some designers I have collaborated with, do not take the time to write copy while wireframing, instead opting for Lorem Ipsum. While it can seem like extra work to write copy while wireframing, it happens organically, and piece by piece, and it can be a smart and efficient way to craft a brand personality.
During user testing, when wireframes are shared with stakeholders and end-users, product designers can further gain feedback on the copy and brand voice. If designs contain Lorem Ipsum, when being presented for user testing they do not seem real or valid. And, this is a missed opportunity for valuable feedback,
Once wireframing is done, and the general flow for the website or app is approved, I take visual design as an opportunity to refine copy further. Often clients or industry experts contribute long-form articles, about us, bios, etc. But, having headlines, calls-to-action, error messages and button copy in place works wonders when streamlining the development process.
User experience and content writing are inextricably linked. Creating these assets during the same work process is an excellent way to have a unified experience which is carried through in the design and copywriting. If you are working with a designer who does not have copywriting skills, I would suggest asking your content writer or copywriter to collaborate with your designer during wireframing and design, to unify these creative products.
For more information on our work process review Our Approach. If you have questions about content writing, feel free to reach out, or add a comment.
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